Spiritual Mentoring - from APD to beyond! | DruYoga.com



Spiritual Mentoring - from APD to beyond!

16 November, 2023
(Registration open till December 2025)

Take the next steps on your Spiritual Journey!

A Group Mentoring with Chandra Goswami and Andrew Wells

How can I make sure I'm really on track towards my spiritual purpose? How can I have an ever-increasing experience of spiritual connectedness? What would it be like to live and give to the world within a full presence of spiritual fulfilment?

"Yoga" means union, and if you're ever thrilled inwardly in a state of profound connectedness then you've already touched the reality of yoga! 

In this special mentoring, we aim to help accelerate your spiritual journey by taking you through core practices designed to put you on track to deeper and greater connectedness.

Session 1 - Thursday 2 Nov, 7 pm

We'll start by helping you understand the subtle power of the elements, a focus table and a sacred connection with nature:

  • Discover the power of light, with a flame burning while you practice
  • Explore the silent stillness of water, and what happens to your inner world when you combine water and light
  • Enhance your journey by building a focus table, or a shrine, and make it a "treasure map" to your soul
  • Build a relationship with your Inner Wisdom, your Inner Teacher

Session 2 - Thursday 16 Nov, 7 pm

Discover how to construct your spiritual practice:

  • When to make a connection to the elements, and how, to enhance your inward journey
  • How to construct a personal programme of yoga to bring you into the best possible state of inner connectedness
  • How to follow that with meditation, affirmation, mantra, and jappa to accelerate you into a thrilling sense of unity
  • Be guided by your Inner Wisdom

Session 3 - Thursday 18 Jan 2024, 7 pm

Our first two sessions together aim to help you build a deep foundation of spiritual presence. Now it's time to discover how to make this a living, conscious relationship with your Great Self and the Divine. We'll explore your personal relationship with the presence of Spirit.

  • Understand your spiritual essence in a new way
  • Build an everyday inner relationship with your Inner Teacher
  • Expand this inner relationship to include the presence of Spirit, all around you, supporting you
  • Learn a route to discovering your inner presence of Divinity and connectedness and uncover ways to build you personal relationship with the Light of the Self


We're so looking forward to being with you!

With our very best wishes and salutations to you,

Chandra and Andrew

(PS - if you can't make these times, reach out to us - we're here to help)



Includes live session & replays

Sessions are: 7pm to 8.15-8.30pm

One session: £25
Session 1, 2 & 3: £64

DPN Members
One session: £21
Sessions 1, 2 & 3: £54

CPD Points: 1 CPD point for each session

Consistent Volunteers (If you volunteer for more than 1-2 hours per week, or equivalent in bursts - eg consistent support tutoring.)
One session: £21
Sessions 1, 2 & 3: £54




Thursday, November 16, 2023 - 19:00
Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 20:30
Yvonne Radcliffe, staff nurse, Port Talbot
Staff Nurse, Port Talbot

I learned so much in my first module of the teacher training about Dru Yoga. I love the graceful, flowing movements and the way my body feels after a Dru yoga session. It is very different from any other style of yoga I have ever done. Your body feels more flexible and energised and your mind feels calm and relaxed. I loved every aspect of the course. It was well delivered with a good mix of theory and practical sessions each day. The books given as part of the course are excellent.

Angela Verrecchia
East Dunbartonshire

Spirituality of Yoga Course

I like the nudge this sangha gives. I may not be perfect with my practice but I do accept it is where I am now and as is said many times teachers - 'There are no errors in the system.

avatar rockface
A relaxing and friendly atmosphere, nothings too much trouble. The experience allows you to develop but also give something back. The retreat gives you tasters of all different things: Yoga, Meditation, relaxation, chanting, good food, new skills. Loved the location and the friendship

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