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Wellbeing Hub

Posted on 1 September, 2016
Yes, autumn is here again. We so often approach autumn with mixed feelings – it’s a bit like marmite – you either love it or you hate it. On the one hand, it’s the romantic season of ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’, with beautiful colours in the trees, harvesting fruit, warm evenings and beautiful skies.  On the other, it signals the end of the summer and therefore the onset of the colder winter months – and so can be depressing time for many of us. Dru meditation is one of the most effective ways of keeping you feeling cheerful, no matter what the season (or the weather!)  When we move from summer into autumn, the energy changes from being very yang (male, hot, strong, fiery) to become more yin (female, soft, wet, colder).  As the energy changes outside us, we can use meditation to help... more
