Window of Wisdom 15 with Patricia Brown in Australia 28 October 2020 |



Window of Wisdom 15 with Patricia Brown in Australia 28 October 2020

28 October, 2020
(Registration open till December 2020)

While you are at home, take 20 mins to be with Patricia in her series of Window of Wisdom talks.

The 15th Window of Wisdom will be Wednesday 28 October 2020, 7.00 - 7.20pm AEST

At each session she will give you a key teaching that can empower you during these unique and challenging times.

Scroll down for previous Window of Wisdom and Wisdom Evening sessions with Patricia

Dru Wisdom events are an opportunity to transform the way you live your day through the guiding philosophy and science of the yoga and meditation traditions. Learn more about creating a calm & steady mind or a powerful self-belief, how to avoid old patterns or why you react when you want to respond!
Like road maps for life to help guide you to the best version of yourself, "A-Ha" moments are a certainty!


Time: 7.00-7.20pm AEST

Dates: Wednesday 28 October 2020

Cost: This event is free or by donation

Venue: Online (details via booking process)

Any questions call 02 6161 1462 or email


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 19:00
Avatar image for testimonials on
retired, Minehead, Somerset, UK

I really enjoyed the activations. The relaxation was particularly good. The segmented vitality sequence - very useful technique. I also enjoyed the simplicity of the flowing tree sequence. I enjoyed my day practicing Dru Yoga with a lovely group of people. Thank you Padma, Anne, Sue and Bob.

Avatar daffodil
Dru Yoga teacher & complimentary therapist

What I'll take from today's yoga postgrad workshop:- My favourite part was the Salutation to the 4 Directions. I love doing and teaching this already, but really enjoyed using colour and affirmations within the sequence.

Marianne Wootton testimonial
Marine biologist, Cornwall

The course has taught me to find the power in gentleness. Previously I was used to fast-paced, high energy yoga, but deep down I knew I wanted a more holistic experience of yoga. The course has certainly delivered on this, deepening my knowledge in all sorts of areas and now I know and appreciate that postures/sequences don't have to be physically demanding to be truly powerful. Also, the whole journey has made me realise that I am enough and that you don't have to be perfect to be fabulous! The support from tutors, helpers, Dru Star Lounge is awesome.

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