Window of Wisdom 6 with Patricia Brown in Australia 24 June 2020 |



Window of Wisdom 6 with Patricia Brown in Australia 24 June 2020

24 June, 2020
(Registration open till October 2020)

While you are at home, take 20 mins to be with Patricia in her series of Window of Wisdom talks.

The 6th Window of Wisdom will be Wednesday 24th of June 2020, 7.00 - 7.20pm AEST

At each session she will give you a key teaching that can empower you during these unique and challenging times.

Scroll down for previous Window of Wisdom and Wisdom Evening sessions with Patricia

Dru Wisdom events are an opportunity to transform the way you live your day through the guiding philosophy and science of the yoga and meditation traditions. Learn more about creating a calm & steady mind or a powerful self-belief, how to avoid old patterns or why you react when you want to respond!
Like road maps for life to help guide you to the best version of yourself, "A-Ha" moments are a certainty!


Time: 7.00-7.20pm AEST

Dates: Wednesday 24 June

Cost: This event is free or by donation

Venue: Online (details via booking process)

Any questions call 02 6161 1462 or email


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 - 19:00
Retired Health Professional, West Midlands
The Spirituality of Yoga Course was beautifully balanced and life affirming. I now feel a strong connection with the earth and grounded for the first time in my 60 something years! A good starting place for the onward journey. Thank you all.
Avatar image for testimonials on
Health food shop manager, Somerset

Taking part in the course has added Kosha awareness and improved my language to explain and explore yoga. It has deepened my spiritual awareness and provided me with tools to develop my skills with healing.

avatar calm sky and sea

On the 5 day spirituality challenge leading up to this course, I realised I did not love myself. Since starting on the Spirituality of Yoga course and working with the practices, I have experienced a deep cellular healing, a shifting in my emotions, deepening into a sense of peace and quiet control/flow of life.

I have had so many realisations on this course; one in particular was a feeling of falling in love with my practice...and wondering if this could lead to an unconditional love commitment to myself to uphold a deeper consistent practice?....

Another insight was a deep self acceptance of where I am at now, giving myself permission to listen to my inner promptings and act on them; rather than see myself as failing when I don't meet my rigid expectations. A bit of freedom..

This course is a must for any spiritual seeker who is looking to deeply anchor and regularly maintain their spiritual practice. You will never look back as you create your own spiritual unfoldment and community to support and carry you forwards. I so look forward to our continuing journey. Thank you to all our Tutors for their sincere, joyful and ongoing commitment to helping us achieve spiritual greatness.

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