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The Flame that Transforms

Savitri MacCuish, Mansukh Patel & Andrew Wells, foreword by Mark Victor Hansen

Freedom of the Bhagavad Gita (pocket size) book

Mansukh Patel

This lightweight, pocket sized hardbound Gita is your perfect hand-bag or office-desk companion.

Product image of Total Body Workout

Coby Langford and Krishna Patel

As seen on Body in Balance TV, Sky 275

Yoga Class - Total health EBR 2

Louise Rowan

A complete Dru Yoga class featuring Dru’s powerful second Energy Block Release sequence. This yoga program on CD or MP3 gives you a synthesis of flowing sequences, energy block release movements, mudras (hand gestures), visualisation, relaxation and meditation. 

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Traya’s Quest

Tridoshic Formula Re-Energise Blend Herbal Massage Oil
Triphala capsules
In Ayurveda, Triphala is known as an antioxidant and gentle bowel tonic, promoting regular bowel movement and a healthy digestion, which in turn can help with weight loss.
Triphala capsules
In Ayurveda, Triphala is known as an antioxidant and gentle bowel tonic, promoting regular bowel movement and a healthy digestion, which in turn can help with weight loss.
Vata Formula Re-Energise Blend Herbal Massage Oil
Yoga Music - Vayu CD

Jolanda Jonker and Joris Vincken

Like soaking in a sound bath of pure bliss, Vayu will help you find stillness in a fast-moving world through the celestial sounds of flute, bansuri and tempura.

