Windows of Wisdom - "Self" Care - being supported even in huge challenge - Thur 28 Jan |



Windows of Wisdom - "Self" Care - being supported even in huge challenge - Thur 28 Jan

28 January, 2021
(Registration open till December 2025)

In the midst of distressing news from so many directions, being able to hold onto your inner Self isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. 

Tonight we're going to explore how to experience deep support from the universe, how to discover inner strength even when challenged beyond ever before, how to love your own Self. 

In this special session Andrew Wells will be drawing on 30 years of yoga and his work in war zones to bring you exquisite insights and meditation on the power of your inner presence. 

We'll explore the three keys to "Self" care:

  • believing you are worthy of nourishment
  • tuning into your inner wisdom
  • accessing the will power to implement its ideas

When these three keys are clear and strong, you feel deeply supported by the universe, free from burdens even amidst vast challenges. And you feel like you're part of a flow in life, discovering that your presence enhances everything it touches. 

Let's discover our inner powers together!



Price: FREE
(or optional donation for the wonderful work of Dru)

Time: 7.30 - 7.55pm 


Thursday, January 28, 2021 - 19:30
Danielle - Dru Yoga teacher trainee
Administrator, London

This course has made me feel calmer, more in my body and more at peace with myself. I’ve discovered more about how my body works in these two weeks than in my four years of dance training!

Lauren Prideaux testimonial
Events administrator

If I could tell myself one thing when I started the course, it would be to Believe. To believe in me, in the training, in the higher goal. The course has given me confidence in myself and shown me that I know more than I think, and am more capable than I ever thought. Inspiring individual both tutors and students have given such support to me and it has been truly a life changing experience.

avatar calm sky and sea

On the 5 day spirituality challenge leading up to this course, I realised I did not love myself. Since starting on the Spirituality of Yoga course and working with the practices, I have experienced a deep cellular healing, a shifting in my emotions, deepening into a sense of peace and quiet control/flow of life.

I have had so many realisations on this course; one in particular was a feeling of falling in love with my practice...and wondering if this could lead to an unconditional love commitment to myself to uphold a deeper consistent practice?....

Another insight was a deep self acceptance of where I am at now, giving myself permission to listen to my inner promptings and act on them; rather than see myself as failing when I don't meet my rigid expectations. A bit of freedom..

This course is a must for any spiritual seeker who is looking to deeply anchor and regularly maintain their spiritual practice. You will never look back as you create your own spiritual unfoldment and community to support and carry you forwards. I so look forward to our continuing journey. Thank you to all our Tutors for their sincere, joyful and ongoing commitment to helping us achieve spiritual greatness.

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