2-Day Dru Yoga Mind & Body Rejuvenation | DruYoga.com



2-Day Dru Yoga Mind & Body Rejuvenation

19 September, 2020
(Registration open till December 2025)

Dive into a weekend Dru Yoga bliss out!

Explore a physical, mental & emotional rejuvenation in this time of change and increased digital intensity!

Whether you have experienced anxiety, overwhelm, isolation or even zoom fatigue, this 2-day retreat will be time for you to relax, unwind and boost your immune system.

These 2 days are about your health and wellbeing—giving you better access to your natural restoration and relaxation response. Through powerful, nurturing yoga and meditation we’ll help you free up your physical joints and muscles, clear tiredness and stress, and enhance the free-flow of energy throughout your body.

You will learn dynamic and therapeutic yoga to reset your body energy systems, as well as relaxation and meditation to reframe your mind and spirit. We’ll also incorporate presentations blending science and wisdom from yogic traditions to support you each step of the way, so that you can deeply experience that feeling of arriving ‘home’ to yourself.

Learn how to calm your mind, ease your emotions and bring about a revival in your energy. Understand how your psychological and physiological history can impact your perspective. Recognise how the state of your 3 brains determine how you think and feel, so influencing your decisions.

The retreat will be live-streamed to you, hosted by Chandra Goswami, Christiane Saar and a team of experts trained in yoga, meditation, Ayurveda and wisdom practices over decades. It's a rare opportunity to gain the skills you need to help you feel back in control of your health. You deserve it!

These sessions will be live-streamed, and will also be available on replay for anyone who books, so you can watch it anytime at your leisure.

Live-streaming times will be 11am-1pm and 3-5pm on both Saturday and Sunday.

Prices and booking

Dates: 19 & 20 September 2020
Price:  £119 

For DPN Members, this course accrues 2 Professional and 8 Personal CPD points 



Saturday, September 19, 2020 - 11:00
Sunday, September 20, 2020 - 17:00
anne michele patart avatar
The spirituality of yoga course and the sangha that followed have really helped me establish a daily meditation practice and have helped me grow in self-confidence and feel more connected with myself.

Dru Ayurveda & Yoga workshop:- A thoroughly enjoyable day, enlightening me to how I can work on my health and happiness with minimal effort - great for a kapha type!

My experience of The Spirituality of Yoga Course was amazing.  The tutors were so warm and friendly and made the content really accessible.  The course was extremely well-planned and built up step by step.  As it was quite intensive, I think if you were new to yoga and meditation you might have needed a longer time between sessions for absorbing and practising.  However, as we were able to download the sessions (a wonderful gift), there is plenty of time for replaying and reinforcing the learning.   I enjoyed every minute of the course and am very grateful that I had the opportunity to take part. 

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